Action Code - An action code was created by Barthe as one of his narrative media codes.
It means that it allows the audience to interpret and identify what is next to come during a film.
Enigma Code - Is the code where it makes the audience ask questions.For example: If a character dies in a film we do find ourselves asking 'who died?' 'How did they die?' 'Did they get murdered?'
The Hero - Seeking something. (Saves the day)
Agent Of Change - A character who inflicts danger and causes the current story line to change.
Equilibrium - It's all to do with Todorov's theory of equilibrium. So the episode starts and everything is balanced (equilibrium) then something happens, the disruption, then there is a resolution and then the equilibrium is restored. This theory is applied to the narrative and can be found in most common genres.
Disequilibrium - When the film starts going down hill and the action starts to occur to make the film body.
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